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Violent Encounters & The Aftermath


The Violent Encounters and the Aftermath course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the effects of violence on individuals and communities. The course covers topics such as the psychological and physical impact of violent encounters, the role of law enforcement and first responders, and the long-term effects of violence on victims, witnesses, and perpetrators.

The course will also explore the various types of violent encounters, including domestic violence, sexual assault, mass shootings, and terrorism. Students will learn about the various stages of recovery and coping mechanisms for those who have experienced violence. They will also be introduced to the importance of trauma-informed care and the role of mental health professionals in helping individuals and communities recover from violent encounters.

Additionally, the course will examine the role of the media in shaping public perception of violent encounters and the impact this can have on communities and individuals. The course will also explore the role of policy and legislation in addressing violence and its aftermath.

The goal of the Violent Encounters and the Aftermath course is to help students understand the complexities of violence and its aftermath, and to develop skills to effectively respond and support individuals and communities affected by violence.