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Basic & Aftermath Course


The Basic and Aftermath course is designed to educate individuals about the basics of self-defense and what to do in the aftermath of a self-defense incident. The course covers topics such as: Understanding the basics of self-defense and the use of force, including when and how to legally defend oneself and others. The psychological and emotional effects of self-defense, including how to cope with the aftermath of a traumatic event. The legal aftermath of a self-defense incident, including understanding the criminal and civil justice systems and how to handle interactions with law enforcement. Preparing for and managing the aftermath of a self-defense incident, including preserving evidence and seeking medical attention. Understanding the media and public perception of self-defense incidents and how to handle public relations and media coverage.

Throughout the course, students also can participate in interactive scenarios and simulations to help them understand and prepare for the aftermath of a self-defense incident.

The goal of the USCCA Basic and Aftermath course is to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the basics of self-defense and what to do in the aftermath of a self-defense incident. By taking this course, individuals can be better prepared to handle the emotional, legal, and practical challenges that can arise following a self-defense incident.