Travis Knight
Originally from Greenville, North Carolina. After earning my associate degree in construction management from Pitt Community College in 2007, I found myself faced with the economic recession of 2008, which rendered the construction industry unprofitable. This is when I decided to join the United States Army and specialize in Artillery and Small Arms Repair, which proved to be a pivotal decision for my future.
Over the course of 14 years in the military, I developed a broad range of knowledge and skills that would later enable me to pursue my true passion: becoming a Business Owner. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice in 2019, which further strengthened my resolve to pursue my dream.
In 2021, I established Knight’s Defense, leveraging my military expertise to provide high-quality services to the general public. As part of my ongoing efforts to enhance the services we offer, I recently acquired my instructor’s license from the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) and Certified Instructor with the State of North Carolina to teach concealed carry and other educational courses.
At Knight’s Defense, we strive to deliver the best services possible, drawing upon our expertise, experience, and commitment to excellence. As we continue to grow, we’re eager to leave a positive impact on the business world and beyond.