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The Real Estate Agent Safety course is designed to educate real estate agents about the potential risks and dangers they may encounter on the job and how to minimize these risks. The course covers topics such as awareness and prevention of crime, including tips for avoiding dangerous situations and identifying potential danger signs. Safety tips for working alone, including how to minimize the risks of being robbed, attacked, or abducted. Emergency preparedness and response, including what to do in case of an emergency and how to stay safe during a crisis. Self-defense techniques, including basic self-defense moves and tips for staying safe while showing properties. Use of technology and safety tools, including the use of safety apps and other technology to help real estate agents stay safe on the job.

Throughout the course, students will also learn about best practices for working with clients and managing their own safety while on the job. The course will also provide resources and guidance for real estate agents who have experienced a traumatic event on the job. The goal of the Real Estate Agent Safety course is to help real estate agents understand the potential risks associated with their profession and to provide them with the knowledge and skills to stay safe on the job. By taking this course, real estate agents can feel more confident and secure when working with clients and showing properties.

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